Just completed the third set of Freakitorium paintings!
If you are unfamiliar with My Freakitorium project, here is a brief history and insight. Gris Grimly's Freakitoriums is a print series I am doing with VE Publishing. We are releasing a set of sideshow freak prints every yearly quarter (or approximately thereof). Each set consists of three mini prints with a G.G. freak, with 4 sets total in the series. If you do the math correctly, that makes 12 really cool and collectible freak prints. You can purchase the prints individually. But if you buy the entire series, you get a really cool wooden box to keep them in. Think of it like Garbage Pail Kids cards.
The first set consisted of "Black Elephant Head of Death", "Mooney the Cheese Head Man" and "The Triplets of Salem". The second set consisted of "Muleface Beatrice", "Crab Face Man" and "Nina Esqueleto". Now, I have three more freaks to add to the roster: "Trout Bone Head", "Needles the Patchwork Girl" and "Monkeybrain".
There are three more paintings left for me to create to complete the print series. When they are all finished, I plan to do a huge art show exhibiting all 12 paintings and unveiling a 13 freak painting at the opening.
If you are interested in purchasing any prints from the Freakitorium series, visit the VE Publishing website to inquire about a purchase. We will also be selling these prints on our webstore once we get it back up and running (www.madcreator.com).
Be Grim!
Gris Grimly